Game Reschedule Requests

Teams Not Eligible for Game Reschedules

  • All teams are currently eligible.

Please refer to the Policy for Game Reschedules and Forfeits for complete details.

Game Reschedules

  • You do not need to submit a request for reschedule if your game was rained out.
  • Teams may request a maximum of two (2) reschedules per season.
  • Before a reschedule will be considered, you must pay the appropriate fee ($25 for first request, $50 for second request).  
  • Reschedules are only allowed if the opposing team has not already had a reschedule.
  • All requests are due five (5) or more business days in advance of the game to be rescheduled.
  • If there is less than five business days notice, the game will not be rescheduled and the team will forfeit if there are not enough players.
  • Each team will be provided with new date options for the reschedule.  Both teams must agree on the new date.  If agreement is not met after two options, the game will be recorded as a 3 - 0 forfeit for the team that was not able to make the originally scheduled game.
  • No reschedule requests are accepted during the last 3 weeks of the season.


Game Forfeits
Teams that do not show up to their scheduled match or do not have the minimum number of players required to field a team will forfeit the game with the score reported as a 0-3 loss. The team will be fined for any game that they forfeit and the fine must be paid prior to the next game.  The forfeit fine is $50 for the first game forfeit in a season and $100 for any additional forfeits.


  1. Complete the form below and click the Submit/Pay button.
  2. Pay the appropriate reschedule fee via PayPal.
  3. Receive reschedule date options from TASL office.
  4. Respond to date options.
  5. TASL confirms reschedule date with teams.


