All players must be eighteen years of age by the first day of the season.  Division age requirements are as follows:

Division    Fall Season Requirement    Spring Season Requirement         ONE Per Team Exception**
Men's Over 30    Must turn 30 by December 31st   Must turn 30 by June 30th            Must turn 29 by December 31st
Men's Over 40   Must turn 40 by December 31st    Must turn 40 by June 30th            Must turn 39 by December 31st
Men's Over 50    Must turn 50 by December 31st    Must turn 50 by December 31st  Must turn 49 by December 31st
Coed Over 30 (male)    Must turn 30 by December 31st    Must turn 30 by June 30th 
Coed Over 30 (female)    Must turn 27 by December 31st    Must turn 27 by June 30th

** Team Captains must contact the TASL office for instructions on how to add under-age players.

Board Approval Date: 08/2017

As recognition of the time that each volunteer TASL Board member contributes to the league during the elected year(s) of service, a seasonal playing credit may be provided to the Board member.  The amount of the playing credit will be established by the TASL Board annually during the budget cycle and is not guaranteed to be provided at all. 

Each Board member shall receive a maximum of three playing credits for one year of volunteer service.  Each playing credit must be earned and shall be applied to the subsequent season of play even if the Board member is no longer serving a position on the Board.

Board members are required to attend monthly meetings of the TASL Board or get an excused absence from the TASL President in advance of the meeting.  Board members are required to participate on a minimum of one committee.

A playing credit shall be applied to the subsequent season provided that the following responsibilities are met:

o During the time frame of August – November, a Board member must attend a minimum of three Board meetings and/or be an active participant on a committee, as determined by the Committee Chairperson, in order to receive a playing credit for the spring season.

o During the time frame of December – March, a Board member must attend a minimum of three Board meetings and/or be an active participant on a committee, as determined by the Committee Chairperson, in order to receive a playing credit for the summer season.

o During the time frame of April – July, a Board member must attend a minimum of three Board meetings and/or be an active participant on a committee, as determined by the Committee Chairperson, in order to receive a playing credit for the fall season.

Board credits are not transferable and have no actual monetary value.  A playing credit cannot be carried over more than one subsequent season.  A Board member cannot receive cash in exchange for the playing credit if they are not participating on a team.  A playing credit may only be applied if the Board member is actively participating on a team. 

Upon receiving a playing credit for the subsequent season, a Board member should register and select the “Mail-In Check” option during the registration process. Board 

Board Approval Date: 11/2010

I am a proud member of TASL and will always conduct myself in a manner that reflects the highest honor and respect for me, my team, my league and the game of soccer.  I agree to and will adhere to the following standards on and off the field of play: 

• Learn, understand the spirit of, and abide by TASL and NCASA Rules and Policies and FIFA Laws of the Game or be subject to disciplinary actions including suspension or dismissal from the league.
• Practice fair play, sportsmanship and respect for the game of soccer.
• Show respect to officials and abide by their decisions.
• Show respect to my teammates and opponents and not instigate confrontations or retaliate by the use of physical force or verbal abuse or gestures.
• Respect the rights of others, including spectators, by using appropriate language.
• Uphold values which will eliminate discrimination by reason of sex, sexual orientation, race, nationality, ethnic origin, color, religion or disability.
• Abide by facility rules and regulations including but not limited to no alcohol, no drugs, no smoking, no pets, no firearms and no trash on the premises.
• Value my Team Captain as the representative for the team.
• Win or lose the game with dignity, congratulate your opponent, thank the officials and not blame others for the result.
• Promote soccer and be an ambassador to the game through positive actions.

Board Approval Date: 11/2012

The TASL Coed Division complies with FIFA's Rules of the Game with the following exceptions:

• A coed team that cannot field a female player at any time automatically forfeits the game.
• Coed games play 35 minutes halves.
• Slide tackling is strictly prohibited in all coed divisions per the TASL Slide Tackle Policy.

• The standard format is 11 vs. 11 with at least three females on the playing field at all times
• If only two females are present, the team will play with ten players (two female and eight males).
• If only one female is present, the team will play with nine players (one female and eight males).
• If there are not any females present, then the game is a forfeit.

Board Approval Date: 09/2014

FIFA and Triangle Adult Soccer League (TASL) rules will be used as a guide in determining player suspensions or other sanctions.  TASL reserves the discretion to provide increased suspensions and other sanctions based on player misconduct.

When a player receives a card during or related to conduct at a TASL match, the TASL office will issue a suspension or other sanction of future playing time or privileges by email to the said player and the team captain within six days of the player receiving the card (provided that the TASL office received written notification from the official within 48 hours of the match where the player was issued a card).  An automatic one game suspension, as a minimum, will be issued for two yellow cards or a straight red card.

Additional sanctions may be required for more serious player misconduct such as red card infractions for Violent Conduct.  As these types of incidents often require additional review time, the TASL office will notify the player and the team captain of the automatic minimum one game suspension and will inform them that additional penalties may be warranted pending review.  The TASL office will have an additional fourteen days for review and to issue additional sanctions.  While the incident is under review, the said player may not participate in TASL matches.

When a TASL player receives a suspension or other sanction during or related to conduct at a TASL match, said player may appeal his/her suspension or its severity to the TASL Discipline and Appeals Committee (D&A) per the following rules and procedures:

• Only suspensions greater than one match and cases of mistaken identity may be appealed.
• A player may file a Notice of Appeal for a suspension of more than one match.
o The Notice of Appeal must be submitted by the player's team captain/coach.  In the event the team captain/coach was not present for the match or competition in question, then the team captain/coach in charge of the team at the time of the match or competition must file the appeal;
o The Notice must be in writing or by email to the League Registrar;
o The Notice must be received by the League Registrar within 48 hours of said player and team captain receiving notice by email from the TASL office of the sanction issued for the suspension.
o The Notice must be accompanied with a $25.00 non-refundable filing fee.

• The TASL D&A will review the Notice of Appeal within seven days of receiving the Notice.  While the suspension is under appeal, the said player may not participate in TASL matches. 

• In the event an appellant wishes to have an expedited appeal with a determination within five business days, said appeal must be accompanied by an additional $50.00 expedite fee.  In the event an appellant's suspension is overturned, the fee for an expedited appeal (only) will be refunded.

• A player appealing a sanction may present a written statement as well as statements from two additional witnesses in support of his/her appeal to the D&A.  Any such statements should be submitted to the League Registrar along with the Notice of Appeal.

• D&A will follow the following guidelines in reviewing an appeal:

o D&A may contact any and all appropriate persons for information regarding the matter appealed;
o While statements will be taken from appellant and witnesses, testimony will only be required where D&A feel such will aid any understanding of the facts and circumstances of the incident or conduct in question;

• TASL reserves the right to suspend players or coaches from participation in league matches pending a hearing on sanctions.  Where TASL investigates conduct involving abuse of a referee, assault on a referee, or serious bodily injury to player(s) or person(s) associated with a TASL match or event, D&A may request appearance of a player and/or coach to appear at said sanctions hearings to answer questions related to said conduct or incident.

Board Approval Date: ??/????

No alcohol, pets, smoking or firearms are permitted at any field.

Follow all park rules at each field.

All trash must be picked up and thrown away. A Security Clean Up Bond will be required if teams cannot clean up after themselves.

Field space is at a premium in Wake County and violation of facility rules may result in suspension of field rental privileges or fines.

Board Approval Date: 09/2014

The Home team must have an alternate uniform in case of a color conflict.


  • Both captains must present a colored, photo Game Day Roster from the TASL Team Management system to the officials.  Several people should have a copy of your roster.
  • The referee has the right to ask for additional photo ID if there is any question about the identity of a player.
  • If player jersey numbers are not printed on the roster, the captain must hand write the numbers in.

Player Check-In Pre-Game: 

  • Players will line up for check in so that the officials can check uniforms, jewelry, and shin guards.  Please make sure your players are aware and prepared.
  • The officials will verify the photo shown on the Game Day Roster is the individual present.
  • Players that arrive late will check in with the assistant referee before entering the field.


  • The official will complete the match report online through within 24 hours.
  • ALL players should remove all trash and personal items from the field or the team can be fined.  These are not our fields and we get charged for clean-up if required.
  • Team captains must assure that red carded players serve the sanction determined for the card.

Board Approval Date: 09/2014

Weather or TASL Administration Related
Games cancelled by the league or field administrator may be rescheduled on play dates determined by the TASL office.

Non-Weather Related
Teams have an opportunity to change a game date and/or time because of a predetermined conflict impacting the majority of their team members and creating a situation where the team will be unable to field the required number of players during a given match.
• Teams are permitted to request a maximum of two (2) reschedules per season.
• Reschedules are not guaranteed.  If a game is not successfully rescheduled, the team will be refunded the reschedule fee.
• Reschedules are only allowed if the opposing team has not already had a reschedule during the season.
• Reschedule requests must be received at least five (5) business days in advance of the game.
o Less than Five Days Notice: The game will not be rescheduled.  The team will have to forfeit if they do not have enough players.
• Date and time options will be provided to the team captains for review and agreement.  If agreement is not met after two options of dates are provided the requesting team will automatically forfeit the game, which will be scored as a 3-0 loss for the requestor.
• Reschedules will not be permitted based on forfeits at the field.
• No reschedule requests are accepted during the last 3 weeks of the season.

Game Forfeit Policy
Teams that do not show up to their scheduled match or do not have the minimum number of players required to field a team or do not have a copy of the Game Day Roster to give to the referee will forfeit the game with the score reported as 0-3 loss.  The team will be fined for any game that they forfeit and the fine must be paid prior to the next game.

Weather or TASL Administration Related
• No fee
Non-Weather Related
• $25 Reschedule Consideration Fee for 1st request (this fee is required regardless of if the reschedule is approved).
• $50 Reschedule Consideration Fee for 2nd request (this fee is required regardless of if the reschedule is approved).

• $50 Game Forfeit Fee for the first game forfeit in a season
• $100 Game Forfeit Fee per game for any additional game forfeits in a season.

Weather or TASL Administration Related
• No action needed by team, TASL will automatically reschedule the game and provide notification of the new date and time.
Non-Weather Related
• Team captain should validate opposing teams eligibility for a reschedule via the TASL website using the “Game Reschedules” link.  If the opponent for your original game is listed they are NOT eligible for a reschedule.
• Team captain will request a reschedule via the TASL website using the “Game Reschedules” link.
• Upon completion of the request, captain will click the “Buy Now” button on the game reschedule page to pay the applicable request fee.
• Upon payment the TASL office will be notified of the reschedule request.
• The TASL office will officially cancel the original game.
• Notification will be sent to both team captains with date/time options available for the rescheduled game.
• Captains have 48 hours to respond to the request for availability.
• If there is congruence in availability the game will be booked for reschedule and the teams will be notified of the new game date/time.
• If there is NOT congruence in the teams availability the non-requesting team will be asked for several alternate date/time options, outside of the original options provided, that will work for their team.  Alternate options will then be provided to the requesting captain.
o If congruence is found the game will be booked for reschedule and the teams will be notified of the new game date/time.
o If congruence is NOT found, the game will be a forfeit for the requesting team and shall be listed as a 3-0 loss.

• After a game is reported as a forfeit by the official, the TASL office will invoice the applicable Game Forfeit Fee to the forfeiting team.
• The Game Forfeit Fee must be paid prior to the next scheduled game in order for the team to be eligible to play.

Board Approval Date: 03/28/2018

TASL requires all players to be currently registered and paid to your team and appear on the Game Day Roster with a colored photo before playing in a TASL match.

An illegal player is defined as a player that does not appear on your team's TASL roster for that particular game day.

Examples of an illegal player: a player that was rostered on your team last season or last year; a player that may join your team next week; a substitute player that has not paid their game day fee or does not appear on the roster; a player that plays on another team.

The referee crews are instructed to check your team's rosters BEFORE the match begins, and verify the roster is printed in color with a photo for every player.

A team in violation of this policy is subject to the following sanctions if it is confirmed that an illegal player has participated in any of their TASL matches:
o The team score for the match shall reflect the game as a 3 - 0 loss.
o The team standings will reflect a 3 point deduction in points.
o The team, via the Team Captain, will be assessed a $100 Illegal Player Fine.
o The Illegal player and Team Captain will automatically receive a 3 game suspension.

Please report any suspected violations of this policy to the TASL office, including as many details as possible. 

Board Approval Date: 09/2014

In addition to the Point System Rules, TASL has implemented a Maximum Goal Differential Recording Policy to discourage teams from running up the score on their opponent and to encourage good sportsmanship and fair play.  All official game scores recorded in the seasonal standings will not exceed an eight (8) goal differential.

The game will be played in its entirety.

The actual score will be reported to TASL by the official.

TASL will adjust the score as necessary to assure a maximum goal differential of eight (8) goals based upon the number of goals scored by the losing team. For example, if the score of the game is 10-0, the score will be reported as 8-0. 

Board Approval Date: 05/2014

This policy applies to the spring and fall seasons only.


• The winner of a division is eligible for promotion to the next highest division.
• If the winner of a division desires to remain in the division that they won, they must submit their request in writing to the registrar.  Approval or denial of the request shall be determined by the TASL Office.
• If a team wins a division two seasons in a row, they will be promoted to the next highest division. No petition to the registrar and/or the TASL Office will be allowed.


• The last place team of a division is eligible for relegation to the next lowest division.
• If the last place team of a division desires to remain in that division they played in, they must submit their request in writing to the registrar.  Approval and denial of the request shall be determined by the TASL Office.
• If a team finishes in last place in a division two seasons in a row, they will be relegated to the next lowest division. No petition to the registrar will be allowed.

New Team Registration for Men’s Open

• A new team is defined as a team that did not participate in the prior (fall or spring) season.
• New teams that apply to participate in the men’s open division must begin in the lowest division of play.
• If the new team would like to begin in a higher bracket, they must submit their request in writing to the registrar.  Approval or denial of the request shall be determined by the TASL Office.

New Team Registration for Coed 

• A new team is defined as a team that did not participate in the prior (fall or spring) season. 

• New teams that apply to participate in Coed may select the division they feel is the best fit. The TASL Office will then let them know the availability for that division and their placement.


Board Approval Date: 09/2014

“Football is a mirror of society, which means that unfortunately our game is still blighted by discrimination and intolerance. We must use our game to educate people, especially the world’s youth, about the importance of fair play and respect. These values should be upheld both on, and off the pitch. It is 2011, and we are all responsible to protect our game and ensure that any form of discrimination is shown the red card,” FIFA President Joseph S. Blatter.

TASL Policy Against Discrimination:

Officials, players, players’ agents and spectators may not act in a discriminatory manner, especially with regard to ethnicity, race, culture, gender, language, religion or politics.

Discrimination of any kind against a country, private person or group of people on account of ethnic origin, gender, language, religion, politics or any other reason is strictly prohibited and punishable by suspension or expulsion.  Anyone who insults someone in any way, especially by using offensive gestures or language, or who violates the principles of fair play or whose behavior is unsporting in any other way may be subject to sanctions.  Anyone who offends the dignity of a person or group of persons through contemptuous, discriminatory or denigratory words or actions concerning race, color, language, religion or origin shall be suspended for at least TEN (10) matches. 

TASL Code of Conduct:

TASL seeks to promote safe and fair play on and off the field.  Players have a responsibility to practice fair play, sportsmanship and respect for the game.  Players agree to use appropriate language and gestures both on and off the soccer field and will not offend any player, official or spectator with respect to ethnicity, race, culture, gender, language, religion or politics.

Board Approval Date: 09/2011 and update on 11/2023

The Point System is meant to provide a uniform way for all of TASL's playing divisions to determine season standings. Points are awarded as follows:
• Win = 3 points
• Tie = 1 point
• Loss = 0 points

In the event of a tie within the standings, the following will be used as the tie breakers, in order:
• Head-to-head competition between tied teams
• Goal differential (up to 3 per game)
• Least goals allowed
• Most shut outs (win or tie)

Board Approval Date: 05/2014

The purpose of the recreation division is to provide an opportunity for players to participate in a less competitive environment, regardless of skill level.  The emphasis is on fun and recreation.  It is a more social atmosphere where players enjoy playing soccer.

• Players must be 18 years of age.
• The standard game format is 8 vs. 8.
• Games will be played on 50 x 70 approximate field size with small goals.
• Games will have two 30 minutes halves and a 5 minute half time
• Seven field players and a goalkeeper comprise a team.
• Players may only play on one team within the Recreation Division.
• One referee will officiate the game.

Recreation Rules
• No goalkeeper contact allowed
• No scores are recorded.
• No slide tackling.
• Yellow and red cards will be issued as needed.
• PK’s can be called by the official.
• FIFA rules apply to substitution.
• No offsides.
• Keeper distribution must stay within the half field unless he is playing outside of the box like a field player.
• The play from the goalkeeper’s hand must touch the ground or a player prior to crossing the half-field line.
• An indirect free kick is awarded at the half line for any infraction.
• No team forfeits.  If a team has less than 7 players, the two teams will combine then split and play.
• Rosters need to be submitted to the referee.
• Game balls are to be provided by the Home Team.
• Numbers are not required on jerseys.
• Coin toss starts the game.
• Shin guards are required.
• Games will start on time and the clock will run continuously except for serious injury. 

Board Approval Date: 09/2011

WHEN:  Before, during or after a match, even at later times if it is match related, such as at work or at home.

WHO:  Misconduct toward a referee, all registered referees, assistant referees, fourth officials or others duly appointed to assist.  It also includes any non-licensed, non-registered persons serving in an emergency capacity as a referee under USSF Policy 531-9 and any club assistant referees.

I.  Definitions

A.  Assault: An intentional act of physical violence at or upon a referee includes but is not limited to: hitting, kicking, punching, spitting at or on, grabbing, running into, kicking or throwing any object that could inflict injury, damage to referee equipment or personal property, cars, equipment, etc.

B.  Abuse: A verbal statement or physical act not resulting in bodily contact which implies or threatens harm to a referee or the referee's property or equipment including, but is not limited to, the following acts:

o using foul or abusive language

o spewing any beverage on a referee's property of verbally threatening a referee

o Verbal threats or remarks that carry implied or direct threats of physical harm (e. g. I'll get you later!” or “I know where you live!”)

C.  Serious Injuries: Those injuries that require hospitalization or treatment by a qualified dentist or medical practitioner. Definitions are excerpts from the USSF Administrative Rule Book and the USSF Referee Administrative Handbook. The following penalties for Abuse and/or Assault on a referee are the minimums. The Discipline Committee may, at its discretion, impose stiffer penalties as warranted by the individual act or incident.


A.   Assault
o 1 year minimum
o 5 years minimum with serious injury
o 3 years minimum adult defendant with a minor referee (17 years of age or under)

B.  Abuse: 3 match minimum

C.  Any Player, Coach, Team Official or Team Spectator who has been deemed to have ABUSED a referee shall receive, as a minimum, a three (3) consecutive game suspension from scheduled league or tournament play. The Discipline Committee may provide for a longer period of suspension when circumstances warrant (e.g., habitual offenders).

D.  Any Player, Coach, Team Official or Team Spectator committing or attempting to commit a referee assault is automatically suspended for one (1) year from the time of the assault. If serious injuries are inflicted then the minimum suspension shall be for five (5) years. The Discipline Committee may not provide a shorter period, but, if circumstances warrant, may provide a longer period of suspension.

Note: These Assault suspensions are to be imposed from the time of the incident and will remain in force until such times as the Discipline Committee takes action.

All Affiliated Teams:
All teams, players, managers and team officials have an affirmative obligation to protect the referees. Teams are responsible for the conduct and actions of its players and their supporters. If any Players, Coaches, Team Officials or Team Spectators escalate, inflame or abet in a physical assault on a referee or if no apparent attempt is made by the team, when time permits, to intercede in protecting or preventing an assault upon a referee then the following minimum penalties prevail:
o The team is banned from participating in any Tournament play for TWO years. Such ban will follow each team player that is rostered at the time of the incident should they try to transfer to another team. A final decision on each individual player’s eligibility will be determined by the TASL D&A Board.
o Any violation of the probation by the team shall result in the team being suspended forever.
o Any violation of the probation by transferred player on the rostered team at the time of the incident shall result in that player being suspended forever.

Referees (and by definition Assistant Referees, Club Assistant Referees) and others appointed to officiate the match) shall report any and all abuse and assault incidents to the League, NCASA, the Referee Assignor and the State Referee Administrator.

The State Association and the League as matter of policy supports and encourages any Referee who is assaulted to file formal charges in a Court of Law. It is expected that the State Referee Administrator shall inform all referees under his jurisdiction, of their responsibility to prosecute offending persons and to report any incidents of violence, actual or threatened, to the NCASA.

The above policy is effective beginning with the 2004 Calendar Year.

As a matter of policy all incidents of Referee Abuse are automatically reviewed by the State Board of Referees. When applicable, the State Board decision will supersede the decision of the local Discipline Board.

Board Approval Date: 01/2004

If a referee is playing on a team in the Triangle Adult Soccer League, that person is not allowed to referee any games in the same divisions that their team is participating in.

If a referee does get assigned to a match in the same division in which their team plays, that referee must try to switch to another game in a different playing division. If the referee is unable to switch to a different game, then the referee must participate as a linesman and not as the center referee.

A referee may request in writing to the TASL Board for approval to be allowed to referee games in their team’s playing division.

Board Approval Date: 04/2004

Refund requests must be submitted in writing and are not guaranteed.

Full refunds are only offered to players in the player pool that did not find a team.

Credits will not be given for teams that do not play 10 games.

The full written policy is posted at:

Board Approval Date: 07/2019

In the event of a matter that is brought to the TASL Board of Directors for the purposes of sanctioning a team, the following procedure must have taken place:

• A formal complaint must have been submitted to the TASL Board via the TASL office in writing addressing the following information in as complete and detailed a manner as possible:
o Name of Team with Division of Play
o Record of team’s history within TASL clearly demonstrating a consistency of neglect toward TASL, NCASA, USASA and/or USSF rules, laws and/or bylaws, this would include the laws of the game.
o While not required for submittal, it is encouraged that such a filing of a formal complaint come complete with written support and/or testimonials from players, team representatives and/or eye witnesses of recorded events preferably from within the same division of play. If this information is not included, it will be requested at the due diligence stage prior to the formal hearing, should the TASL Board agree to accept the complaint.

• Upon receipt of a formally written complaint at the TASL office, the TASL Board shall be immediately notified and provided with a copy of the complaint. The TASL Board must, within seven (7) business days, vote to address the complaint in one of three ways:
o Accept the complaint – which immediately enacts a due diligence period of no more than 14 days for which a 3 person panel is established by the board to review and research the complaints, its facts, and supporting materials.
o Return the complaint – which immediately enacts a due diligence period of no more than 14 days for the filer of the complaint to resubmit the complaint in an acceptable format with the required information OR to resubmit the complaint with requested additional information prescribed by the TASL board for reconsideration. If the complaint is not resubmitted in a timely fashion, the complaint will be denied by the TASL board.
o Deny the complaint

• Complaints requesting the sanctioning of any team must address at least one of these subject areas:
o Financial complaint – whereby the team in question is delinquent in its dues to TASL, fraudulent or withholding in its payment to referees and/or fraudulent in its in finances within the team itself.
o Behavioral complaint – whereby the team in question and/or any of it players is verbally or physically abusive in any manner to any member of TASL, its staff, referees and/or spectators.
o Safety complaint – whereby the team in question and/or any of it players is subjecting any member of TASL, its staff, referees and/or spectators to unsafe play and potentially threatening behavior or circumstances.
o Disrepute complaint – whereby the team in question and/or any of it players is threatening the good name and reputation of the league, its members, its staff, referees and/or spectators by their actions, assertions or behavior.

• During the due diligence period, the TASL office will notify all players of the team via email before the next match of the formal complaint and that they have been placed into a conditional probation during the due diligence period. The team has the right to provide any of its own supporting information in writing to the panel. If any player on the team is written up for disciplinary action in any match during the due diligence period, the team will be immediately suspended from further match play in the league, forfeiting the match in question.

• The team will be notified by the TASL office of a hearing date to be held within seven (7) days of the conclusion of the due diligence period. The team will be allowed to have a maximum of two (2) representatives at the hearing, however attendance is not automatically required.

• The filer of the complaint will be allowed to have a maximum of two (2) representatives at the hearing, however attendance is not automatically required.

• The Panel has the authority to call any individuals to the hearing for questioning or simply rely on the information it has gathered during the due diligence period.

• The Hearing will proceed as follows:
o The panel will commence the meeting by reading the formal complaint.
o The panel will then review its finding during the due diligence period including materials provided by the team in question.
o The panel will allow the team representatives to have 15 minutes to answer the matters in the complaint, and can agree to add time in 5 minute increments not to exceed an additional 30 minutes.
o The panel will then conclude the hearing and go into immediate executive session.

• The filer of the complaint and the team will be notified of the panel’s actions within 48 hours of the conclusion of the hearing. The actions of the panel are final, but can be appealed to the North Carolina Adult Soccer Association in accordance with its bylaws and policies.

Sanctioning Penalties & Appeals

In the event the panel determines that sanctions are to be placed on a team and its players, the panel will have the choice of the following penalties to place as sanctions. • Banishment – whereby the team and all its players are invalidated by the league and disallowed to re-register for the period of not less than a full affiliation year with NCASA. No appeal will be accepted for hearing by the league a period of not less than 12 months or 3 complete playing seasons, whichever is longer. The team and players have the right to appeal directly to NCASA.
• Disbandment – whereby the team is invalidated by the league for the period of not less than a full affiliation year with NCASA and all its players’ registration with the league are suspended for the same time period. Players are allowed to appeal to the league’s board of directors in writing on an individual basis. In financial neglect cases whereby monies are due to the league, players may be conditionally reinstated by the TASL Treasurer and Registrar if full restitution of the team’s complete balance is made.
• Suspension – whereby the team are all its players are suspended for a period of not more than a full affiliation year with NCASA. The team and/or its players are allowed to appeal to the league’s board of directors in writing. In financial neglect cases whereby monies are due to the league, players may be conditionally reinstated by the TASL Treasurer and Registrar if full restitution of the team’s complete balance is made.
• Reprimand – whereby the team is penalized with any of an assortment of sanctions related to their standing in the league and their conference play. Penalties can include, but are limited to:
o point deductions
o match forfeits
o relegation
o loss of bond funds, in full or in portion.
• The team is allowed to appeal to the league’s board of directors in writing at the conclusion of the season.
• Defer to Discipline & Appeals – whereby the team will remain under conditional probation for the remainder of the season and specific players will be immediately suspended and referred to the league discipline and appeals committee for recommended action.

Should the panel decide that other sanctions are required, it will have to notify the TASL board of directors immediately after the hearing’s conclusion of its proposed penalties on the team and its players. The panel will also have to immediately inform the team and its players of its referral to the TASL board and the 48 hour timetable for a decision. The TASL board will have no more than 48 hours to accept the proposal of the panel or chose to suspend, disband or banish the team and its players by plurality vote.

Board Approval Date: 03/2009

Slide Tackling is only allowed in Men's Open division. Slide Tackling is strictly forbidden in TASL Women’s, Coed, Recreation, Men Over 30, Men Over 40, Men Over 50 and Men Over 60 Divisions.

The slide tackling policy for these leagues is as follows:
o A player slide tackling the first time during a game shall receive an immediate yellow card
o A player slide tackling the second time during a game shall receive a red card and a one game suspension
o Every slide tackle shall result in a direct free kick (a penalty kick if in the penalty box).

Generally, a slide tackle is an intentional slide within your horizontal body length of an opposing player. Whether the opposing player was touched in any way is irrelevant; a “clean” slide tackle shall still result in a card and free kick. The gender of the person slide tackled makes no difference, as all slide tackles are illegal.

The referee has discretion to determine what is and what is not a slide tackle, but the referee has no discretion regarding the imposition of a card or cards.

The following plays are legal:
o Sliding for the ball when there are no other players within your horizontal body length.
o A goalie sliding for the ball, even if feet first, so long as the goalie’s intention is to catch or smother the ball
o Reaching for the ball but unintentionally slipping due to field conditions, etc.

We understand that slide tackling is part of the usual rules of soccer. However, because men, women and older adults are playing together, we are being extra cautious in order to reduce the risk of injury.

Board Approval Date: 09/2014


TASL allows for substitute (sub) players based on the specific criteria listed below:

• All registered teams must have a minimum of 16 full-time, paid players on the team roster before a sub pool can be created.

• Sub players registration should be received at least 3 days prior to game date so that the player can be registered with NCASA.

• Sub players are only permitted to play as a sub on one (1) team per division, except for the Women's division.

• Sub players cannot play as a sub in a division in which they play full time, except for the Women's division.

• A full time, regular player may not participate as a sub on the same day in which that player is serving a red card suspension in any TASL match.

• A sub player that receives a red card will serve their suspension(s) as follows: a one game suspension equals one week without participating as a sub in any      TASL match, a two game suspension equals two weeks without participating as a sub, etc.

• A sub player may not convert to a full time player in the same season.



• Sub players must pay the $30 player fee upon registration if they do not have a current, valid NCASA player pass.
• A sub player will pay a $15 Game Day Fee to TASL prior to each game they play.  Game Day Fees may be transferred to a future game within the same season if a game is cancelled.  Game Day Fees may not be refunded or transferred to the next season.

• The sub player registers online as a “Substitute Player” for the specified team through the TASL registration system.
• The player registration fee must be paid to TASL before an NCASA player pass is ordered.
• The player must upload a color photo during the registration process.
• If a Team Captain does not have enough players for a given game, the captain may add players from their sub pool.
• If a sub accepts the invitation to play on a specific game date, the Team Captain must direct the player to register and pay for the Game Day Fee via the TASL registration system.
• Once the game fee is paid, the Team Captain must print out a Game Day Roster showing the sub player with the specific game date.
• The roster must be presented to the referee before the game is played and may only be used for that specific game.
• The sub player will no longer appear on the Game Day Roster after the game date.

Board Approval Date: 05/2015

General Rules
• All TASL Summer Heat league players must be at least 18 years of age to participate.
• The standard game format is 8 vs. 8.
• Coed teams must have two (2) females on the field at all times (see exceptions below).
• Seven field players and a goalkeeper comprise a team.
• Team rosters must have a minimum of 14 players.
• ALL players must have proof of identification at the field to present to the official.
• It is mandatory for players to wear shin guards at all games.
• There is only one official for summer heat games and the fee is paid by TASL.
• Team Captains must provide the official a TASL Game Day Roster prior to the start of the game.
• There are no make-ups or rain dates in Summer Heat.

Standard FIFA Laws of the Game are enforced with these exceptions:
• No Slide Tackling allowed in any division. A mandatory caution (yellow card as a minimum) is required for any infraction. Multiple infractions will result in additional sanctions.
• No offside fouls.
• A team is a “forfeit” if it cannot field 6 players five minutes after the scheduled start time.
• The play from the Goalkeeper's hand – punt, throw, or drop-kick, must touch the ground or a player prior to crossing the half-field line. An indirect free kick is awarded at the half line for any infraction.
• Goal kicks can be taken from anywhere within the penalty area but must touch either the ground or a player prior to crossing the half-field line. An indirect free kick is awarded at the half
• The match length will be two twenty-five minute halves with a five-minute interval.
• COED LEAGUE RULES: A minimum of two (2) women & a maximum six (6) men comprise a team. If there is only one (1) woman on the field, the team must play with seven (7) players (1 woman and 6 men). If there are no female players in the play at any time, then the game is a forfeit.

Rule Clarifications
• ALL goals are worth one point regardless of gender or age.
• Yes, a Penalty Kick may be awarded and are allowed to be called by the referee.
• Yes, a Direct Kick may be called.
• Yes, there are Throw-Ins.
• Yes, yellow and red cards will be issued to players when required.
• No off-sides. • No free substitution – FIFA Rules apply.
• Keeper distribution must stay within the half-field, unless he is playing outside of the box like a field player.
• Goal kick distribution must stay within the half-field.

Board Approval Date: 09/2014