Slide Tackling

Slide Tackling is only allowed in the TASL Men's Open divisions 1-4.  Slide Tackling is strictly forbidden in all other divisions of TASL and OCASL@TASL.

TASL Sliding Education

This video education was extracted from a collection of video clips of the league by our Referee Coaches and Mentors.  It has been set to a narrative to emphasize the considerations of what constitutes illegal slide tackles.


The slide tackling policy for these leagues is as follows:

  • A player slide tackling the first time during a game shall receive an immediate yellow card
  • A player slide tackling the second time during a game shall receive a red card and a one game suspension
  • Every slide tackle shall result in a direct free kick (a penalty kick if in the penalty box).


Generally, a slide tackle is an intentional slide within your horizontal body length of an opposing player. Whether the opposing player was touched in any way is irrelevant; a “clean” slide tackle shall still result in a card and free kick. The gender of the person slide tackled makes no difference, as all slide tackles are illegal.

The referee has discretion to determine what is and what is not a slide tackle, but the referee has no discretion regarding the imposition of a card or cards.

The following plays are legal:
o Sliding for the ball when there are no other players within your horizontal body length.
o A goalie sliding for the ball, even if feet first, so long as the goalie’s intention is to catch or smother the ball
o Reaching for the ball but unintentionally slipping due to field conditions, etc.

We understand that slide tackling is part of the usual rules of soccer. However, because men, women and older adults are playing together, we are being extra cautious in order to reduce the risk of injury.

Board Approval Date: 09/2014