Below are the TASL rules which compliment the FIFA Laws of the Game. Note: "He" in the following text means "he/she".  For Supplemental TASL Rules and Policies, click here.

Dimensions of the Field of Play:

11 v 11  110 x 64 yards 
10 v 10  100 x 60 yards 
9 v 9  90 x 55 yards 


Should field markings become obscured by the elements before or during the course of a match, the markings shall be assumed to be present and decisions shall be rendered by the officials to the best of their abilities to interpret the original position of the markings.

On each side of the field wherever possible there are specific bench areas for the Players and Team Officials. Each bench (“Home” and “Visitors”) shall be limited to an area located no less than one (1) yard from the touch-line and extending on each side of the mid-line to the top of the penalty box (18 yard line).  Players and Team Officials are restricted to this bench area at all times during the game.

Where conditions do not permit the locations of the players, team officials and spectators on opposite sides of the field, the teams, as well as the spectators, shall be on the same side.  The bench area will then be limited to the area between the halfway-line and the penalty area (18 yard line) for each team.

Where conditions do permit the locations of the players, team officials and spectators on opposite sides of the field Spectators from the “Home” team shall sit on the “Home” team side of the field and spectators from the “Visitors” team shall sit on the “visitors” side, as designated on the maps of the playing field or by the Officials when not indicated on the maps.  All spectators shall be confined to areas at least five (5) feet from the touch-line.  No spectators or coaches shall be permitted directly behind the goal-line or beyond the bench area.  Spectators shall sit on either side of the coaching area, extending to the top of the penalty box (18 yard line).

Ball must be size 5.

The home team shall supply at least one, and up to three balls, to the referee.  However, the referee may choose to use any ball that is acceptable which is offered by either team.

Division  Number of Players 
Men's  11 players (including goalkeeper) 
Women's 11 players (including goalkeeper) 
Coed 11 players (including goalkeeper, minimum three females) 
Coed Eight
 8 players (including goalkeeper, minimum two females)
8 players (including goalkeeper) 
Summer Heat See Summer Heat Rules


The minimum number of players is seven.

Each team shall designate a speaking team captain who is the team’s representative and who may address an official on matters of interpretation and/or obtain essential information.


Substitution is allowed, but only with the permission of the referee at the following time:

• On throw-in, either team may substitute if the team taking the throw-in substitutes – effective Fall 2018

• On goal-kick (either team may substitute)

• After a goal is scored (either team may substitute)

• At half-time (either team may substitute)

• When referee stops play for an injury (either team may substitute)

• After a caution, only the cautioned player(s) and a like number from the opposing team

The number of substitutions shall be unlimited.  Once the referee acknowledges the desire for a substitution, he will indicate his permission for one to be made.  Before the substitution may enter the field of play, the player he is replacing must be completely off the field of play or he must be beckoned onto the field by the referee.

NOTE: When, in the opinion of the referee, a team substitutes to consume time (time wasting tactics), the referee can deny permission to substitute and/or warn the coach of the offending team that any repetition may be construed as Unsporting Behavior and will be punished accordingly (cautioned).

Medical ID medallions that are securely taped to the chest or medical id bracelets that are taped to the wrist in such a manner that a finger can not be caught under it are acceptable.

No metal hair clips are allowed (use plain rubber bands).  No hard billed hats or helmets, other than soccer goalie helmets, are allowed.  No hard elbow or knee pads are allowed.

Casts, splints, etc.: Prior to the game, the coach should ask the referee to inspect the player to permit time for padding.  If cast, splint, etc. (even after padding) will interfere with opposing player(s), the referee may remove the player or not permit him to participate.  It is suggested that casts be wrapped in foam rubber or like material secured in place with an Ace bandage.  Do not use metal clips in the bandage.

Players with visible blood on their uniforms or body must be substituted for.

The home team is responsible to change jerseys in cases of color conflict between jerseys of two opposing teams (home team normally wears white).

If, in the judgment of the referee, a player is not in full compliance with the Laws set forth above, such player shall be instructed to leave the field of play when the ball next ceases to be in play.  Unless his team would normally be allowed to substitute at this time, his team must play short.  After correcting the deficiency, the player may report to the referee at a substitution opportunity.  The referee will then check his equipment and decide whether to allow him to return to the match.

Shall arrive 15 minutes prior to the start of the match.

Shall enforce the laws of the game.  Inspect and approve field, goals, lines, match ball(s), as well as player’s attire and equipment.

Should Inspect and approve valid colored photo team rosters.  In the event a valid roster cannot be presented, the team will forfeit the match.

Should start the match in a timely fashion, giving teams the opportunity to take the field with proper notification.  Once both captains have been given proper notification, not less than 5 minutes prior, referees may start time in which case the match will have equal time for both halves.  Match time will start with the referee fully prepared to officiate, on the field and in close proximity to the center of the field.

Should allow play to continue, if in the opinion of the referee, it gives an advantage to the team with the ball by not calling that foul.  However, if the advantage that was anticipated does not develop at that time, the referee shall penalize the original offense.

Can stop or terminate the game due to weather conditions or outside interference that would endanger the safety of the participants, and in the event of severe misconduct by players, coaches or spectators.

Shall allow coaching from the bench area provided that it is not abusive or derogatory and the tone of voice is informative and encouraging.

In case a team official, field player, bench personnel, or spectator should make derogatory remarks or gestures, use profanity or incite disruptive behavior of any kind aimed at the officials, other players, or opposing spectators, the penalty shall be at the sole discretion of the referee and, depending on the severity of the infraction, can be in the form of immediate dismissal from the field area without prior warning.

The three man system of refereeing shall be used for all matches in accordance with state affiliation rules except for recreation league games.  Under no circumstances shall a 2 referee, two whistle system be used.  If enough officials are not present, “club” linesmen shall be used.

The referee shall report all match results, including all cautions and/or dismissals and injuries, through the Arbiter.  Match reports should be submitted within 48 hours of the match or else delinquency will be reported to the assignor.

In case of Send-Off, or any other serious incident (such as a terminated game or serious injury), a supplemental report must be submitted with the particulars.  The supplemental report must contain the date, time and location of the match, the name of the teams, and as much information as possible of the incident.  This includes the name of the players or coaches involved (as appropriate), name of witnesses (if any), detail description of what happened, what was the punishment (if any), and how the game was restarted.

In the event of a forfeited game, the referee must still submit a match report form with the notation which team(s) did not show up or other reason for the forfeit.  The same procedure shall apply to a match that is “Terminated” prior to the normal expiration of time.

If no officials are present for the match, captains should inquire if there are any licensed officials among the spectators.  If not, by mutual agreement, a captain or player should act as referee.  If so desired, a person from one team can referee the first half and a person from the other team, the second half.  The TASL office should be notified that no referees were present so the reason can be investigated.  This match will not be counted toward the standings; consequently a match report need not be turned in unless there is a case of an injury.  The League Registrar, with input from the Team Captains, will make every attempt to reschedule the game as soon as possible.

As necessary to maintain a three-man system of officiating, the referee will select one or two club linesmen (depending on how many assistant referees are missing) and advise them of the proper method of determining when a ball is out of play. Only if it can be determined that a club linesman is a USSF certified referee will the linesman serve as a full official.

In the event of misconduct or interference on the part of the club linesmen or assistant referees, the referee shall dismiss the offending official(s) and select alternates.

If one or both assistant referees are not present, the referee shall ask the team captains to provide club linesmen.

Length of periods:

Division  Playing Time 
Men's & Women's  2 x 45 minute halves 
Coed  2 x 35 minute halves 
Recreation  2 x 30 minute halves


Periods may be shortened if mutually agreed upon by the captains prior to the match start; or, in an emergency, ordered and communicated by the referee to both team captains before the start of the match or half.

A game shall be forfeited if: 

• A team is more than fifteen (15) minutes late and has not notified the opponent of an emergency, causing it to be late; (the referee will determine the amount of available game time left when the late team is ready to play and play the appropriate periods of equal length so as not to delay the start of the subsequent matches); 

• A team refuses to play after having been instructed to do so by the referee; 

• A team has fewer than seven (7) players at the start or during the game. For coed division, there must also be on the field one (1) female to the minimum of seven (7) players, two (2) females for eight (8) players, and three (3) females for nine (9) players to avoid forfeit.

The score of a forfeited match shall be 3-0.

Water breaks can be given, provided the referees and captains agree prior to the start of a match.

The start of the game shall be determined by a toss of a coin, and the team which wins the toss decides which goal it will attack in the first half of the match. The other team takes the kick off to start the match.

Play shall be started by a kick-off at the center of the field after the referee’s signal.

At half-time, ends will be changed and the kick-off will be by a player of the opposite team that started the game.

If the ball completely leaves the field of play in the air, and re-enters the field of play without touching the ground, it is still out of play at the moment that it completely left the field.

On fields that dual (soccer and football) goals are used, if the ball rebounds off that part of the goal structure that is not part of the soccer goal, the ball shall be considered out of play as if it had completely crossed the goal line.

The ball is in play at all other times from the start of the match to the finish unless it has been stopped by the referee.

In case of a tie at the end of a match, unless specific tournament rules are in effect, the score shall stand.  No overtime and/or penalty shots will be used. Such game shall be scored as a “draw”.

A player is not judged to be off-side when he receives the ball, but at the moment when the ball is passed to him by one of his teammates; therefore, a player does not become off-side if he goes forward during the flight of the ball.

Even if an assistant referee should signal for off-side, the center referee has the final decision on whether or not to stop play.

The decision on whether or not to call any foul rests with the referee.  The referee in rendering his decision will judge the players intent only for handling the ball.  Any of the direct kick fouls occurring within the penalty area by a defending player will result in a penalty kick.

A sliding tackle is a legal tackle in which one or both feet slide in an attempt to tackle the ball that is within playing distance of an opponent.  However, any tackle, which endangers the safety of an opponent, must be sanctioned as serious foul play.  Key elements that the referee looks for in determining whether a tackle was fair or not include the following; did the defending player strike the ball first or the opponent?  Was the ball deflected or “trapped by the defender?  Was the defender’s timing late so that the ball had already been played before the defender’s body contacted the offensive player?  The referee is always the sole judge of the fairness of a sliding tackle.  Sliding tackles are not permitted in Coed, Coed Over 30, Women, Men Over 30, Men’s Over 40 and Men’s Over 50 age Divisions.

Cautionable Offenses:

A player is cautioned and shown the yellow card for committing any of the following seven offenses (mandatory cautions are shown in bold print):

1. is guilty of unsporting behavior (UB)

(The following actions are examples only and are not a complete list.)

a. Commits a direct free kick foul in a reckless manner (for example, charging, pushing, tripping)

b. Commits a direct free kick foul in a reckless manner while tackling for the ball from any direction (including any slide tackle foul in Recreation, Coed, Coed Over 30, Women’s, or Men’s Over 40 and Men’s Over 50 divisions)

c. Commits a tactical foul designed to interfere with or impede an opposing team’s attacking play (e.g., pushing an opponent, blatantly holding an opponent or an opponent's uniform, handling the ball deliberately)

d. Handles the ball deliberately to score a goal

e. Commits an act which, in the opinion of the referee, shows a lack of respect for the game (e.g., aggressive attitude, inflammatory behavior, or taunting)

f. Fakes an injury or exaggerates the seriousness of an injury

g. Fakes a foul (dives) or exaggerates the severity of a foul

h. Interferes with or prevents the goalkeeper from releasing the ball from the hands into play

i. Verbally distracts an opponent during play or at a restart

j. Unfairly distracts or impedes an opponent performing a throw-in

k. Changes jerseys with the goalkeeper during play or without the referee's permission (both players must be cautioned)

l. Engages in trickery to circumvent the goalkeeper's limitation on handling the ball played from a teammate's foot (the defender who initiates the "trickery" is cautioned, the decision does not require that the goalkeeper actually handles the ball, and the misconduct can occur during dynamic play or at a restart)

m. Makes unauthorized marks on the field.

n. Removes the jersey after scoring a goal

2. shows dissent by word or action (DT)

a. Verbally or through action disputes or shows contempt for an official’s decision

b. If playing as a goalkeeper, leaves the penalty area (not beckoned by the referee) to engage an official in debate regarding a decision

3. persistently infringes the Laws of the Game (PI)

a. Repeatedly fouls or participates in a pattern of fouls directed at an opponent

b. Violates Law 14 again, having previously been warned

c. If playing as goalkeeper, wastes time, having previously been warned or penalized for this behavior

4. delays the restart of play (DR)

a. Kicks or throws the ball away or holds the ball to prevent a free kick restart by an opponent

b. Kicks or throws the ball away or holds the ball to prevent a throw-in or corner kick by an opponent

c. Fails to restart play after being instructed to do so by the referee or hinders the restart of play

d. Excessively celebrates a goal

e. Fails to return to the field upon conclusion of the midgame break, fails to perform a kick-off when signaled to do so by the referee, or fails to be in a correct position for a kick-off

5. fails to respect the required distance when play is restarted with a corner kick or free kick (FRD)

a. Does not retire at least ten yards away from an opponent’s free kick

b. Does not retire at least ten yards away from an opponent’s corner kick 

6. enters or re-enters the field of play without the referee’s permission (E)

a. Having previously been substituted (unless the rules of competition allow such return)

b. After having previously been instructed to leave the field to correct equipment

c. After having previously been given permission by the referee to leave the field due to an injury 

d. After having previously been instructed to leave the field due to bleeding or blood on the uniform

e. As a substitute, without having received a signal to do so by the referee

7. deliberately leaves the field of play without the referee’s permission (L)

a. To place an opponent in an apparent offside position

b. Other than through the normal course of play

The actions listed above assist in defining the scope of the basis for a caution and can provide a useful guide in identifying the specific behavior which the Laws of the Game consider unacceptable.  It is critical, however, for Referees to distinguish between those relatively few actions for which a caution is mandated by the Laws of the Game and the remaining actions for which a caution is discretionary.

Sending-Off Offenses:

A player is sent off and shown the red card for committing any of the following seven offenses:

1. is guilty of serious foul play (SFP)

2. is guilty of violent conduct (VC)

3. spits at an opponent or any other person (S)

4. denies the opposing team a goal or an obvious goal-scoring opportunity by deliberately handling the ball (this does not apply to the goalkeeper within his or her own penalty area) (DGH)

5. denies an obvious goal-scoring opportunity to an opponent moving towards the player’s goal by an offense punishable by a free kick or a penalty kick (DGF)

6. uses offensive, insulting or abusive language and/or gestures (AL)

7. receives a second caution in the same match (2CT)

Any player, coach, bench personnel or spectators Sent Off must leave the playing field vicinity and may not interfere or interact in any way with the players for the rest of the game.

Coaches, bench personnel or spectators sent off are not actually shown a card.  However, the referee is within his authority to ask these persons to leave in an effort to control the match.  If the person sent off was a FIELD player at the time of the incident, then his team cannot replace him on the field (Substitution for the player sent off is not allowed).  If the player was part of the bench at the time of the incident, then his team will not be required to play short.

A player or coach who is Sent Off is disqualified from the rest of the current match, and at a minimum the next scheduled match.  If the incident is particularly serious in nature, the TASL Discipline and Appeal committee may extend the disqualification period.

Any person found guilty of actions of unnecessary violence will be disqualified for a period of one year plus other remedies that the TASL Discipline and Appeals committee, TASL Board, NCASA, or NCSRA deems appropriate.

The team is responsible for the behavior of spectators who support his team.  If, after a referee warning, the team will not or cannot control the spectator, the referee may Send Off the team captain, spectator, and/or terminate the match, as provided in Law V.

Should the Sending Off be the result of infractions such as insulting the referee, threatening the referee, attempting or making obscene gestures, or making damaging or insulting remarks concerning other players, spectators or referees, the individual may, in addition to the above disqualification, be suspended pending further review of the TASL Discipline and Appeals committee.

Physical Violence, whether between players or aimed at officials or coaches, will not be tolerated.  Any person engaging in any incident of this kind will be required to appear in person before the TASL Discipline and Appeal committee, which has discretionary power to determine what further penalty should be imposed.

Any appeal of a decision made by the TASL Discipline and Appeals committee may be directed to the TASL Board, in writing, within guidelines of the TASL Bylaws or the NCASA Discipline and Appeals committee.

Follows all FIFA rules without any additions or exceptions.

Penalty kicks are only awarded for direct free kick offenses that occur within the defensive penalty area by the defending team.

The ball is in play when it is kicked and moves.

The kicker must make a smooth and uninterrupted approach to the ball (trying to “fake” the goalie by trickery is considered Unsporting Behavior).

Players who enter the penalty area before the ball has been kicked are no longer cautioned.

A re-throw will be taken if the ball does not enter the field of play.

There is no off-side on a throw-in.

The throw-in must be taken within one (1) yard of where the ball left the field.  If in doubt, the player should ask the referee or assistant referee where to take the throw.

On a throw-in, either team may substitute if the team taking the throw-in substitutes - effective fall 2018.    TASL Board Approval: 4/23/2018

Follows all FIFA rules without any additions or exceptions.
There is no off-side directly from a corner-kick (the corner kick ends when the ball is touched by another player).