Frequently Asked Questions
Team Management Questions


QCan a female play on a Men's team?
AYes, a female can play in the Men’s Open division.
QCan a player participate on more than one team?
AYes, a player can play on as many teams as they want.
QCan a player transfer from one team to another?
AYes. The Team Captain must notify the TASL office that a player will be transferring to their team. If a player has not paid their dues to the releasing team, the transfer will be denied. 
QHow many players are typically rostered to a team?
  • Men's Open teams average 21 players
  • Men's Over 30/40/50 teams average 23 players  
  • Coed teams average 19 players
  • Women's teams average 17 players
QIf my team needs additional players, how do I find them, and add them to the team?
TASL will send a list of Free Agent players on a weekly basis to the Team Captains or by request of the Team Captain at any time.


  • Please contact the pool player first and make sure they are committed.
  • If you decide to add them to your roster, instruct them to register directly for your team.


QDoes TASL provide player jerseys?
ANo. Teams are responsible for getting their own jerseys. Player numbers are required on the jersey. In addition to the primary team jersey, it is recommended that each team have a standard white jersey or pennies in case of jersey color conflict.
Team Financial Questions

QDoes a team have to keep a Performance Bond on file with TASL?
AThe TASL Board made a decision to NOT require a Performance Bond. This is subject to future review if teams are not acting responsibly and forfeiting games.
QHow do the referees get paid?
AThe team is not required to pay the officials. TASL is responsible for paying officials.
NCASA Player Pass Questions


QAre players required to have an NCASA pass?
ATASL has replaced the NCASA player pass with a Game Day Roster complete with player photo and pass information.  TASL is a sanctioned league through NCASA/USASA and all paid players are registered and have a pass available to them.  Tournaments may still require a laminated, valid NCASA pass.
QHow does a player request their NCASA player pass?
AThe player has access to their NCASA Player Pass in their TeamPass profile.  Log into TeamPass and click on the link for the Player Pass.
Game Day Questions


QWhat does the Team Captain do on game day?
AThe team captain needs to take a copy of the team’s Game Day roster printed in color and give to the referee before the game. TASL has a No Roster No Play policy and recommends that several players on each team have a copy of the roster in case the captain is late!!
QWhat if the weather is bad?
TASL posts field updates on Facebook which also populates on the TASL website under Field Updates.  Games are cancelled in TeamPass, and if a player has opted into receiving email notifications, they will get an email if there is a game change.
Even if the day is sunny, the field may be closed do to previous rain and unplayable field conditions. Please be understanding if weather or field conditions require that a game is cancelled at the field.
QWhat should I do if one of my players is injured during a game?
AMake sure that the injury is noted by the official and send an email to the TASL office with pertinent information.
QIs there insurance coverage in the event of an injury?
APlease inform your players that information on insurance coverage can be found in the section on Player insurance through NCASA/USASA.
Rules and Discipline

QWhere can I find the Rules of playing the game?
ASee TASL Rules.
QWhat happens if one of my players receives a red card?
AThe referee will record a supplemental report with the details of the issuance of the red card in the Arbiter. The player must sit out at least the next game. Often, additional penalties are given and the player will miss more than one game. The TASL office may request additional information from the player and the team captains of the match.  TASL will notify the team captain and the red carded player via email of the sanction for the red card.  TASL records the sit out penalty in the Game Notes for the officials for the suspended matches. 
QDoes a player have any options if they disagree with the red card?
AYes, only if it is a multiple game suspension. There is a Discipline & Appeals Committee that reviews all player cards issued. See TASL Discipline and Appeals for details about how to appeal a multiple game suspension.