To register as a guest player:
- Go to the player registration page: TeamPass
- Click on VIEW SCHEDULE box at the bottom underneath the player and coach registration.
- Find the date of the game.
- Click on the name of the team that you will be playing with.
- Click on the "register guest player box" to register for the specific game date.
TASL allows for the use of a Guest Player in the fall and spring for teams that have met the criteria of 16 paid players on roster (12 players for Coed Eight).
The use of a guest is at the discretion of the Team Captain.
- A player may not register as a guest in a division in which they already play.
- A player may only be a guest on one team per division.
Registration Fees:
All players are required to pay an annual $30 NCASA fee once per calendar year (January to December). Guest players must pay a $15 Game Day Fee for each game they play.
Guest player registration fees are not refundable. If a game is canceled or rained out, you will have a credit to use later in the season.
Please see the TASL Supplemental Policies for complete details on the Guest Player Policy.