TASL continues to offer options for teams to play a small sided format.  COED EIGHT!    This division is for the lower-mid to lower competition level teams and is not for the highly competitive teams.  


Format:  8 vs. 8   (7 players plus a goalkeeper) and a minimum of two females on the field at all times.

Minimum roster size is 12 players.

Two 30-minute halves with a 5-minute halftime.

Half field, small goals, one ref,

Summer Heat Rules!!!  Numbers are required on jerseys!

League fee is $100 per player (plus $30 state fee paid once annually).

Games:  Ten games will be scheduled primarily for TUESDAY nights.  While there is not a guarantee on the number of games, we make every attempt to get the games played.

Fields:  Games will primarily be scheduled at the WRAL Soccer Complex on Perry Creek Road in Raleigh.

How are Teams formed?  Team Captains are responsible for building their teams.

How do we sign up?  Team Captains should send TASL their team name and then register the team in the Coed Eight division.  Once TASL enters the team name, then you can get those players registered!


If I don't have a team can I still sign up as a player?  YES!  Captains are always looking for new players so register as a Free Agent and join the "Player Pool" to find a team.



  • If rounding up enough players for a whole field game is difficult, small sided soccer might be an excellent alternative.
  • If the larger sized field is daunting, then small sided soccer game might be a better option.  
  • The small sided format gives the player an opportunity to touch the ball more, build more confidence, gain a comfort level with the game, get great exercise, contribute more to the game, have more playing time, develop relationships with the team and boost your endorphins!
  • Small sided games are also typically shorter, so if you are on pressed for time, this might be better suited for you.

SPACE WILL BE LIMITED!  We will only take a limited number of teams to get started.  Join us for this Sign up early!