Our highest priority remains to provide adults the opportunity to play soccer in a safe environment.  Do your part! 

If you are not feeling well or if you are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19,  do NOT attend a TASL activity until you know that you are clear from COVID-19.  

Use the following link to report COVID-19 symptoms or positive test results:



All players, captains, referees and spectators are expected to follow CDC, NCDHHS Guidelines and applicable Governor’s Orders while at TASL activities. TASL play protocol may change at any time based on local, state, national and governing body requirements.

Currently, there is no requirement to wear a mask while outdoors.  Individuals are always permitted to wear masks if they choose to do so, including while playing in TASL games.

TASL reserves the right to evaluate COVID-19 reports on a case-by-case basis.

It is recommended that spectators and players on the sidelines maintain a 6-foot distance from all others.  You are encouraged to wear a mask when social distancing is not possible.

Players and spectators must stay back a minimum of 8 feet from the touchline to allow space for the assistant referee.

Players are expected to bring their own mask, hand sanitizer, and water to games or practices and are encouraged to keep their belongings 6 feet apart from other player’s belongings.

Captains are required to maintain weekly attendance records at scheduled games and practices for a minimum of two weeks.  


If you think you have been exposed to COVID-19:

If you are not fully vaccinated and you may have been exposed, you should quarantine and not attend games and practices for 5 days.

If you are fully vaccinated and get exposed, you do not have to quarantine unless you have symptoms.

The CDC recommends that anyone who has been exposed to COVID-19 get tested at least 5 days after the date of Close Contact, watch for symptoms until 10 days after the date of close contact, and wear a well-fitted mask anytime you are around others inside your home or in public through 10 days after the date of Close Contact.

If you have symptoms of COVID-19:

Report the symptoms to TASL via the online COVID Reporting Form.

Do not attend games or practices until you have been cleared by TASL with a Return to Play date.

Go get tested for COVID-19.

It is recommended that you quarantine and not attend any TASL activity until you have been tested or you have experienced improvement of symptoms and 5 days have passed since the last symptoms began.

Vaccinated individuals who experience symptoms are subject to the same protocol above.


If you have tested positive for COVID-19:

If you are not fully vaccinated and you test positive, you should quarantine and do not attend games or practices for 5 full days (after the positive test or from the date that symptoms first appeared) and you are required to wear a mask for an additional 5 days after the quarantine.

If you are fully vaccinated and you test positive, you should quarantine and do not attend games or practices for 5 full days (after the positive test or from the date that symptoms first appeared).

Report the positive test result to TASL via the online COVID Reporting Form.

Do not attend games until you have been cleared by TASL with a Return to Play date.



TASL will notify individuals that were in attendance at a game where a player later received a positive test result.  

It is recommended that all COVID positive individuals consult with their personal healthcare provider for cardiac evaluation prior to returning to play.