Frequently Asked Questions


QWhat is recreational soccer?
ARecreational soccer focuses on exercise, fun, skill, and friendship rather than on the score of the game.  Sure, winning is generally more fun than losing, but in a recreational sport, the emphasis on winning should be minimized.  A pleasant by-product of the non-aggressive nature of OCASL@TASL means that you are probably more likely to walk off the field injury free, since other players won't be overly aggressive in their play.  That said, the level of play in this league is fairly good.  There are players who have many years of experience, and are quite skilled.  So look for a skilled game that welcomes the beginning player as well as the seasoned veteran.  
QHow do I know which division or team to join?

If you are a very good player and are 30 years old or older, we offer a Competitive Over 30 division.

If you are a man over 40 or a woman over 30, we offer our ANDERSON O40 division.  This is 8v8 soccer with smaller goals, no offside, and no contact or slide tackling.  Beginners are welcome, the level of play will still be good - just slower paced than our recreational 11v11 divisions.

For most everyone else, Rec 1, 2, or 3 will fit.  These divisions play by recreational rules (e.g. no slide tackling), and all are coed.  The teams in Kaminsky Rec 1 are stronger than the teams in Studdard Rec 2 which are stronger than O'Hara Rec 3.  But if you've played soccer for a few years and can run, trap, pass, and shoot, then any division will work.  If you are completely new to the game, you should consider O'Hara Rec 3, or register for our "Pickup Only" play so you can get your feet under you.  We'll help you join a team when you're ready.  More important than the recreational level, if you have friends in the league, it makes sense to join their team.  You can do that by asking the Team Captain if there is space for another player.

AAll divisions are open.  Our goal is at least four women and at least four men on every team.  That doesn't mean we will have quotas, and it doesn't mean that there are a required number of players of either gender on the field at any one time.  Regardless, we will ensure that the league is accessible and fun for both women and men.
What fields will you be using?
For games, we use Southern Community Park in Chapel Hill, Cedar Falls Park, Homestead Park for the small sided games, Meadowmont, Herndon Park and Twin Lakes.  The fields at Soccer Center are equally good, just a little further away from our participant base. 



QHow many seasons a year do you play?
AOCASL@TASL plays 4 seasons per year - Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. There are 10 games scheduled each season.  While there is not a guarantee that all 10 games will get played, we have a great track record and do everything possible to get all games played.
Financial Questions


QWhat if I cannot pay the registration fee but I really want to play?
AOCASL@TASL wants to offer any adult that wants to play the opportunity to play.  If you are having difficulty paying the fee, please contact the OCASL Foundation or email  
NCASA Player Pass Questions


QAre players required to have an NCASA pass?
OCASL@TASL uses a picture Game Day Roster for verification of registered players on the field.  Player passes are not required but it is recommended to always have a valid form of ID available.  
QHow does a player request their NCASA player pass?
AAny player needing a pass to attend a tournament should contact us at to obtain a PDF of your player pass or a laminated copy.  
Game Day Questions


QWhat does the Team Captain do on game day?
AThe Team Captain needs to take a copy of the Game Day Roster and give to the referee before the game. We recommend that several players on each team have a copy of the roster in case the captain is late!!  Share the roster!
It is the Team Captain's responsibility to assure that any player that steps on the field is a registered player with the leaguel  If there is any doubt, don't allow an unregistered player to participate!  This is an insurance issue and negates the insurance for everyone, including the officials.
QWhat if the weather is bad?
Follow us on Twitter @TriangleSoccer for updated field information.  
Even if the day is sunny, the field may be closed do to previous rain and unplayable field conditions. Please be understanding if weather or field conditions require that a game is cancelled at the field.
If there is no post - we don't have an update!  You should go to the field!  As storms are often scattered, some decisions will be made at the field.  We play in the rain and try to get games played whenever possible.
If a game is cancelled, the TeamPass system will be updated and show the game as cancelled, otherwise, be there!
QWhat should I do if one of my players is injured during a game?
The captain or the player can send an email to the office with pertinent information. Insurance information and claim forms are posted on the website under Resources.
QIs there insurance coverage in the event of an injury?
APlease inform your players that information on insurance coverage can be found in the Resources section on Player insurance through NCASA/USASA.
Rules and Discipline


QWhere can I find the Rules of playing the game?
QWhat happens if one of my players receives a red card?
AThe player is required to leave the field, out of sight before the game resumes.  The team must then play down a player.  The referee will submit a report with the details of the issuance of the red card. The player must sit out at least the next game. Additional sanctions are given for serious penalties, and the player may be sanctioned for more than one game. The office may request additional information from the player and the team captains of the match.  The office will notify the team captain and the red carded player via email of the sanction for the red card.  Officials are notified when a player is required to sit out a game.
QDoes a player have any options if they disagree with the red card?
ARed cards resulting in a one game sanction may not be appealed unless there is a case of mistaken identity.  Multiple game suspensions may be appealed. There is a Discipline & Appeals Committee that reviews all player cards issued. See Discipline and Appeals for details about how to appeal a multiple game suspension.